Cybersecurity Risk Mitigation

Cybersecurity Risk Mitigation

Cybersecurity Risk Mitigation

Protect your Mission from Cybersecurity Threats

Not for Profits, just like businesses are highly dependent on their IT infrastructure. Yet, your data may be even more sensitive.

At the very least, your organisation has private data about stakeholders like members and donors. Furthermore, depending on your organisation’s mission, you may also collect and store sensitive information about individuals who are vulnerable and at-risk, such as low-income families, children, domestic violence victims and the elderly.  This data is a prime target for cybercriminals.

A cyber breach can have devastating consequences on your organisation, including operational failure, financial damage, and reputational harm. No wonder your Board and executives are up at night with these concerns!

Here’s how I can help your Not for Profit with the following services:

Cybersecurity Risk Audit

  • You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Know: Identify vulnerabilities and assess risk levels with my quick cybersecurity risk audit.


Cybersecurity Training

  • Empowerment Through Education: Most online training courses are outdated and fail to make it relevant to Not for Profit staff and volunteers. I provide virtual webinars with up-to-date information about cyber threats and how to recognise these risks.


Vendor Vetting


Cybersecurity Insurance Support

  • Navigating the “Techno-Bable”: Cybersecurity insurance application forms can read like a foreign language. If your Managed Service Provider is unable to help you with this application, I can – usually after a Risk Audit.


If I can be of assistance, contact me today for more information.

P.S. Feel free to start with my FREE cybersecurity risk self-assessment quiz!