
In this week’s segment IT in Plain English, the question is “what criteria should I use in choosing a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system?

Customer Relationship Management Systems or CRMs are applications that help you manage any information you might have about a key stakeholder. This may be someone like a donor, but it could also be someone you’re provide services to like a member or a NDIS client or even an animal if you’re a Shelter.

Examples I often see in Australia are vendors like Salesforce, iMIS, Razors Edge, Hubspot and Microsoft Dynamics.

There are a number of criteria you might use to choose a new system, but let’s just start with one which I think is pretty important and often overlooked for any software that is core to your operations.  That one criterion is local country support.

If you live in North America, this isn’t usually an issue. However, if you live in another country like Australia, it really does reduce your options if you want to have help locally or at least in the same time zone. Otherwise, you’ll be making a lot of early morning calls.

So, there you have it in plain English.

If you have an IT question you want answered, feel free to connect with me here on my website or on LinkedIn and send me a message. I just might answer it on this show.

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Tammy Ven Dange is a former charity CEO, Not for Profit Board Member and IT Executive. Today she helps NFPs with strategic IT decisions, especially around investments.

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