
In today’s episode of “IT in Plain English,” Tammy Ven Dange answers,

What is a Data Strategy”

 There are many, many definitions for a data strategy, but the simplest explanation is that it’s basically a plan for how you’ll use the data you’ve collected to deliver specific outcomes.

These outcomes might be to generate more revenue or to provide a better experience for your members or clients. It may also support strategic decisions such as deciding what product and services to offer and where. Or perhaps to help you reduce costs or report the outcomes for a grant.

Regardless of your goals with your data, it’s important to treat it like a proper asset. This includes everything you would typically do to protect a physical asset like a new car:

  • You would want to store it safely,
  • You’d only want certain people to have access to it; and
  • You’d maintain and clean it periodically to ensure that it continues to meet your needs.

And how you do these things are a part of a data strategy, including any technology you may need to implement this plan.

So, there you have it in plain English.

If you have an IT question you want answered, feel free to connect with me here on my website or on LinkedIn and send me a message. I just might answer it on this show.

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Tammy Ven Dange is a former charity CEO, Not for Profit Board Member and IT Executive. Today she helps NFPs with strategic IT and data decisions.


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